An abandoned utilitarian building carries ghostly memories of the goods flows that passed through.
These coexist with the glass and steel vertical architecture, evoking the present management of financial flows, which are just as invisible, just as ghostly.
The video is divided in two parts. At first, the shot is static. The light of the sun completes a full cycle during the whole film, and meteorological phenomena combine to produce the movements. Then the camera slowly comes alive and tracks towards the building. In the background, contemporary constructions emerge, barely take shape and then collapse. The film is a co-production General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis, Ville de Pantin, Le LABO Collection: Fondation Louis Vuitton pour la création.
Running Time: 19 minutes 27 seconds

Thomas Léon
Living and working in Paris, France, Thomas Léon works at the crossroads of cinema and graphic arts. Film, video and sound installations, as well as large-format drawings are regularly shown at screenings and exhibitions in France and internationally. His works are held in public and private collections including CNAP and the Louis Vuitton Foundation. He takes his inspirations from a hybrid set of references: avant-garde architectural projects, utopian literature, genre cinema, natural sciences.