Connecting occupiers with their workplace community

The My IPUT app is a key component of our engagement and wellbeing strategy, and it will become our communication platform to enhance the occupier user experience.

Building strong relationships

We want our occupiers to feel healthy and supported in their workplace and part of that is to ensure they are connected to the wider neighbourhood. We also want others that live and work in our local communities to benefit from our presence. Our cultural initiatives offer enriching ways to bring our occupiers and the wider community together.


Winter 2023 Occupier Update

Our commitment to sustainability is underscored by the strong engagement we have with our occupiers. We provide quarterly updates to our occupiers to help promote engagement and information sharing. This update includes some news updates from around the portfolio, including new sustainability initiatives and plans for this year’s wellbeing programme.

Shaping our city through education and work experience

Our ambition is to shape our city and have a positive impact on the neighbourhoods in which we are invested. We are proud to announce a three-year partnership with Basis.Point and Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) to support BITCI’s ‘Time to Grow’ programme. This is an education and workplace initiative for young people that will provide valuable work experience and work placements for Leaving Cert students in Dublin.

Each year, the programme will provide 100 work experience places for two students from each of the 50 DEIS schools in Dublin and 20 paid work placements for Leaving Cert students from the North-East Inner City.

We believe in the power of education and the impact it has on our future. In supporting this programme, we have the opportunity to bring occupiers and the wider community together to help bridge the gap between education and employment and provide students with the tools and experiences they need to succeed in their careers.


Supporting the Simon Community

The Dublin Simon Community has been helping to care for some of the city’s most vulnerable citizens for more than half a century. We work closely with their Property Development Department, sharing advice and support across policy and procedures, reporting and governance in the Community’s Capital Projects programme.

The largest and most significant project being undertaken by the Dublin Simon Community is currently the Medical Treatment facility at Ushers Island. This €30 million project, due to be completed in 2024, will provide 100 beds for homeless people requiring addiction support. The IPUT Development team is providing on-going project management advice for this project.

Being a good neighbour

We aim to be a trusted member of the local community. We are committed to communicating effectively and engaging respectfully with our neighbours, while working with our delivery teams to ensure minimal disruption from development activities.


Working with the RHA

We are proud to support the Royal Hibernian Academy (the RHA). It supports and promotes artists through its membership, with masterclasses and a strong community programme. IPUT is proud to fund a RHA Schools Arts Initiative, as well as exhibitions and events throughout the year.

Through our close relationship with the RHA, we have also commissioned artists to produce public art works, such as Leah Hewson’s vast installation, Abiding Traces, for the Tropical Fruit Warehouse hoarding at Sir John Rogerson’s Quay. The RHA are advisors on our Living Canvas Curatorial Panel.


Wilton Park Studios

Thriving cities make room for creativity. Responding to the crisis in spaces for artists to work in Dublin, we partnered with the Royal Hibernian Academy to fully fund three artist’s studios at Wilton Park. Established in 2019, the studios offer six-month residencies to artists at crucial stages in their careers, when such supports are vital. Artists who have benefitted include Brendan Earley, Alan Phelan, Leah Hewson, Cathy Dorman, and Helen MacMahon.


Exhibition at Carrickmines Park

We worked with a number of artists and writers to create ‘Drawn from Nature, Storytelling in the Natural World’ a photo bench exhibition featuring the works of Farouk Alao, Avery Angle, Olya Anima, Catherine Ann Cullen, Oein De Bhairduin, Chris Haughton, Clive McFarland and Erika McGann.


Supporting the Graphic Studio Gallery

As patrons, we are delighted to become part of this illustrious tradition and support the craft of printmaking in Ireland. Our support also includes commissioning fine art prints, such as a limited edition by one of the Wilton Park Studios’ Artists in Residence, Leah Hewson. We also collaborate on portfolios, a recent commission being for leading Irish writer, Colm Tóibín, contributing a text for a portfolio with artist, Charles Tyrrell.