Small Hours is a fully split/mosaic screen 2D animated short, which follows the trains of thought of two people as they transition from one memory to another.
As we dive deeper into these memories, we transcend into the characters’ subconscious and lose track of reality. The film helps to remind us that small elements matter in our lives. It pulls the viewer into those minute details that they might have otherwise let slip, and reflects what is ultimately core to human experience.
Running time: 5 minutes

Marta Sniezek and Christian Spurling
Christian Spurling and Marta Sniezek are animators from Ireland and Poland respectively. Both share a strong and passionate relationship with nature, storytelling and experimenting with new ways and expressions of visual art and filmmaking. Moving away from conventional ideas of art and film, they have taken a deeper dive into stories that reflect a slice of everyday life. They have both explored the mosaic-screen technique as an unconventional narrative direction in their first film together, Small Hours.