Enhancing our credibility through good governance

Board of Directors

We have a strong Board with the skills and experience to provide effective stewardship and oversight of the Fund on behalf of shareholders.

John F. Mulcahy

Independent Non-Executive Chairman

Niall Gaffney

Chief Executive

Pat McGinley

Chief Operating Officer

Frank Close

Independent Non-Executive Director

Donal Courtney

Independent Non-Executive Director

Eithne Fitzgerald

Independent Non-Executive Director

Margaret Fleming

Independent Non-Executive Director

Ian Gleeson

Non-Executive Director

Annette Kröger

Non-Executive Director

Danny McCoy

Independent Non-Executive Director

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Investment Committee

The Investment Committee assists the Board in the implementation of the Fund’s property investment strategy and in particular, its policies in relation to the acquisition, management, development and disposal of properties.

Audit & Risk Committee

The Audit & Risk Committee monitors the integrity of financial statements, internal controls, risk management processes and reviews the effectiveness of the external auditors.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee sets the remuneration policy for all Board members and also recommends and monitors the level of remuneration of the senior management team and other members of staff.

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is responsible for nominating candidates for consideration and approval for appointment to the Board of Directors and sub-committees.


Governance framework

Our governance framework ensures our vision and strategy are implemented and that we remain accountable and transparent on our targets and progress.

Committee composition

General table detailing the different committees that the board sits on.

Audit & Risk
John F. Mulcahy
Frank Close
Donal Courtney
Eithne Fitzgerald
Margaret Fleming
Ian Gleeson
Annette Kroger
Danny McCoy

Denotes the chairperson of each committee.


Risk management

IPUT aims to deliver its strategic objectives whilst operating within a risk framework defined by our risk appetite.


Sustainability-related disclosures

IPUT is committed to demonstrating regulatory compliance with sustainability disclosure requirements.