Frequently asked questions

What is IPUT plc?

IPUT plc is a successor to the Irish Property Unit Trust. It is an unlisted limited liability umbrella investment company with variable capital and segregated liability between its sub-funds. IPUT plc is authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland as a qualifying investor alternative investment fund (QIAIF) and as an internally managed alternative investment fund under the European Union (Alternative Investment Fund Managers) Regulations 2013.

What is the IPUT Property Fund?

The IPUT Property Fund is the only sub-fund of IPUT plc and consists of over 74 commercial properties primarily located in Dublin.

Who can invest in the IPUT Property Fund?

The Fund is open to both domestic and international “Qualifying Investors”. A Qualifying Investor is (i) an investor who is a professional client within the meaning of Annex II of Directive 2004/39/EC; or (ii) an investor who receives an appraisal from an EU credit institution, a MiFID firm or a UCITS management company that the investor has appropriate expertise and knowledge to adequately understand the investment in the Fund; or (iii) an investor who certifies that they are an informed investor by providing sufficient written confirmation.

Is there a minimum investment amount?

The minimum investment is €100,000 with a minimum shareholding of €1,000,000.

How can one invest in the IPUT Property Fund?

An Application Form must be completed and sent to the Fund’s Administrator. Copies of the Application Form, Prospectus and Supplement are available from IPUT plc. To obtain copies of these documents please send an email to

When can shares in IPUT plc be purchased and sold?

The dealing days are the first business days of January, April, July and October.

What are the dealing deadlines?

The dealing deadline for acquiring shares in IPUT plc is the business day which is at least three months prior to the relevant dealing day. The dealing deadline for the  redeeming of shares is on the business day which is at least six months prior to the relevant dealing day.

How often is the Fund valued?

The Fund is valued on a quarterly basis.

How often are dividends paid?

Dividends are paid on a quarterly basis.

Who are IPUT’s depository and administrators?

IPUT’s Depository is Northern Trust Fiduciary Services (Ireland) Limited. IPUT’s Administrator is Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited.

Do you have a KID document?

Yes – Please see document here

Do you have a Fund Mechanics document?

Yes – Please see document here